Earthquakes II - The Return

Well it was an unexpected and heavy return. Friday afternoon mother earth woke up again and it seems like
she woke up from a really horrible nightmare and passed it straight on to me. 6.6 the first one and then a bunch
of aftershocks between 5 and 6. That was heavy!!!

Luckily no injuries or casualties, no heavy damage on buildings just my nerves were wrecked again. These
quakes always put me on edge. My senses seem to overreact and from that point on for one week or so I feel
every little tremor and even if it’s just my heart beating.

The scientists say that it was a doublet and the one in July was just a pre-quake for the main event today. Well
let’s hope so!!! Not really keen to feel something like this again. Just as a reminder one Magnitude point is
doubling the intensity! 5.0 is already shaky but 6.6 is close to ‘a tiny bit more and …’. Well statistics say that
this happens not that often and after a period of one or two weeks with some aftershocks that getting weaker
and weaker everything should be back to normal. Let’s just hope that mother earth knows about those statistics
and goes back to sleep now. Preferably for the rest of my stay! Friends of mine that are here for 10 years or so
said that they haven’t experienced anything like this in that time. Lucky me! Perfect timing!

Time will tell.