Playing hide and seek with seals @ Red Rocks

Did a little hike today with Michael Lankes and Moritz Strothmann. We went out to the Red Rocks
to see the seals that are spending there winter vacation there hanging out in sun.

Well was the first time I used my hiking boots for what they were made for but it seems like my
legs need more training. Two hours there and two hours back, the sun was shining. Perfect day!
As we arrived at the place where the seals should be we couldn’t spot one of them. But these
nasty bastards were hiding. Very good camouflage I have to say. They look exactly like the rocks
they were lying on. Check out the pictures and try to find them!

Was really nice and I have to admit that New Zealand has a lot to offer in terms of vistas. Almost
like they are competing with each other. Definitely there are uglier places on this planet!

Need to get my legs in shape so that they can carry me to more places like this.